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Browncoat Cat Rescue

A white and orange cat named "Marigold"

 "Where do the cats come from?"

They come from Browncoat Cat Rescue! Also known as BCR.


BCR is a volunteer run organization that focuses on unwanted and abandoned cats in Ithaca and its surrounding areas.  Volunteers create awareness within the community, and educate people of the importance of spaying and neutering.

By working with committed foster parents, local veterinarians, and members of the community, we can empower feral cat colony keepers, and find loving adoptive homes for rescued cats.

BCR brings adoptable rescued kitties to the cafe, where they can socialize with people and other cats alike, and meet their future forever parent(s)! It's been a great way to spread awareness of cats in the community, as well as get these little ones the attention and homes they deserve.

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